Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself.


15/04/24 - 18/04/24: End of year show auditions.

This week is our end of year show auditions! On Monday 15th we all did our auditions however we did it a bit differently to last year, this year we picked out our own monologue to audition with rather than using a piece from the script. Originally my audition was at 13:15 but due to some auditions running longer than expected my audition was delayed but I used this time to go throw my monologue a couple more times. 

My audition evaluation:

Finding my monologue - When looking for my monologue I searched up powerful female monologues and looked through a couple and started reading them as if I was actually auditioning with them but they just didn't feel right. I did find one that I was considering which is called Protective Shield - 

RITA: I keep things in.  Things.  Emotions.  My emotions…I know that that’s probably not a good thing.  Life has made me that way I guess.  I have a tendency to show no emotion when I am feeling emotion.
I just have a hard time opening up to someone.  I get closed off.  I feel that by being emotional in front of someone, kind of makes me very vulnerable and weak and I have a hard time with that.  You know, being in that state of vulnerability, it’s not a place where I like to be because I feel like I’m not in control.  When I’m not in control, I get anxiety.
Whenever I truly loved anybody and opened myself up to them, they have always stabbed me in the back.  I have a hard time with that; trusting people.  It can be anyone…friends, family, boyfriend.  I’m not sure if I truly trust anyone in my life.  It’s sort of a protective shield I’ve put up and it only gets stronger with time.
I do desire to be more vulnerable but at the same time I desire to stay protected.  I feel torn.  Every time I do take a risk, I get hurt.  Not sure if I should keep taking those risks.

This isn't a bad monologue but I wasn't 100% on it so I wanted to keep looking.

After a lot of different monologues I eventually ended up on a website that was actually comedic female monologues which wasn't what I was originally looking for but as I started to read a couple I knew I liked these much more. I do know that comedy isn't really something that would challenge me but I wanted to show my best skills in my audition as I wanted to be really confident and comfortable during it. I ended up picking a monologue from Unbearable Hotness - 

JILL: You’ve got to swear to keep this quiet, Benny.  Marisa is gay.  But she won’t tell anyone.   I’m the only person she’s told.   And after she told me, she … tried to kiss me.  Well she did kiss me.  

(Benny asks if there was tongue).  Benny!  Yeah, there was tongue. And I didn’t totally hate it.

So after… Marisa says, she says she’s scared to come out by herself… but she thinks she could do it if I would come out with her.

What could I say?   Just because I felt a little chemistry doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean I’m gay.  I mean, one kiss with Marisa and it’s not like, I mean I’m still attracted to boys – even though most of them are idiots – I still…  

I can’t just switch sides on a whim.  And that ‘s when she says, “So don’t do it on a whim.  Do it after we make love.”  So what did I do?   I did her.

No, not really!!  But that’s what you wanted me to say, right?   See, this is why you’re my second best friend, Benny!   No. In actuality I freaked out.  I ran the hell out of there.  

Next day she shows up at my dorm. Pissed. She says, it was really hard coming out to me the way she did.  And my “treating her like a leper” has just made it even harder for her to ever come out.  
And you know what.  I’m pissed.  Because it’s not fair, her putting all this on me. And in fact, it’s not fair that she’s staying in the closet when she has all these boys pining after her and going crazy trying to be with her, when she could just let them all off the hook if she’d come out.

And considering one of those boys was my boyfriend.. well ex… That’s what’s really messed up, Brandon and I would probably be still together if she would come out.

Before I picked this particular monologue I read a couple and knew comedy was the way I wanted to go. I picked this monologue because I really like it, when I was reading it I knew it was the one I wanted to perform, the timing for the jokes really work and its basically just a gossip session which I thought would be really fun to explore and act. When thinking about how I wanted to perform this I knew I was going to ask to direct it to Abby so its like I'm having a conversation with her. I was careful when doing this monologue to make sure I didn't make the jokes to much as it can come of as offensive with what I'm talking about in it. Also making sure I'm going to take the right amount of pauses and really make it seem like a natural conversation, being shocked and trying to get a reaction out of the character Benny.

After my audition - I feel like my audition went really well, I got good reactions from both Kelly and Abby laughing when the jokes are said which lets me know I'm performing it correctly, my feedback from Abby "As we spoke about it’s great that you’ve found what you really excel at and used it in this audition. Your comedic timing is great and this monologue is great for you!" This is an amazing compliment that I'm very proud of. My confidence in the audition was good, I remembered my lines and felt comfortable. I wouldn't change anything about how I did my audition, I liked the way I performed it and really feel like I showed Kelly and Abby I'm much more comfortable in auditions and how much I've grown as a performer. However, after learning what play we are doing I do wish I had picked a serious monologue as there is no comedy parts in radium girls so I feel I may have cost myself there a little bit, however I am also the only person that did comedy so I'm glad I did something different. Doing comedy can always be a bit hit and miss as some people love it and some people don't but I'm glad I took the risk as I feel it brought a bit of light to the auditions and made a lasting impression.

On the Tuesday we did a read through of Radium girls and One flew over as a group, if you wanted to read you would stand up in the middle of the circle, we did this so Kelly could see characters as people to help her with casting. I stood up to read for Sob Sister, there was no particular reason for this I just wanted Kelly to see I wanted to be in it and was willing to read. On Wednesday Kelly asked us to get into little groups and put a scene together so she could see them come to life a bit more and also lets her know who wants to go for who. I did a scene with Beth and Alex as I want to go for Grace and they both wanted to go for her friends Irene and Kathryn. We then spent some time figuring out how we did it and showed Kelly. It was not great, Kelly pointed out I was being to serious so we went back to work on it some more. Unfortunately Kelly had left before we could show her it improved but that's okay because Kelly knows what I'm capable of and if I will suit the role anyhow. On Thursday we took a break from auditions and did a run through of Shout to keep it fresh in our minds as we go to York next week to perform it for the last time (unless we go to London). It was a bit blocky as our main guy was off so Olly had to fill in but it still worked out okay and Freaks and Geeks were good to go.

My acting CV.

22/04/24 - 24/04/24: Shout performance in York.

This week is potentially the last time we will perform this show, and connections this year has been a bumpy ride. What I mean by that is the bus ride to York, we lost a chair due to the UK's roads. But in all seriousness if this is the last time we performed it I'm glad we gave the show a good send off. 

On Monday I worked in 224 as others were doing Shakespeare auditions.

Tuesday we did run through to prepare for our performance and also got the cast list for the end of year shows. I got the role of Mrs McNeil/Lee. I was very happy with this and I still am. I'm very excited to bring these characters together as they are being merged as one and have completely different personalities so I'm going to have to learn how to make it one person. Definitely one of my biggest challenges on this course to make a serious and malicious person (Ms. MacNeil) and someone who feels guilt and is kinder than the rest (Lee) be one personality consistently without it being jarring. On the Tuesday after our shout run through and receiving the cast list we went and worked on the very first bit of Radium Girls.

Wednesday is performance day! - 

The video shown below is actually the final speech Dana makes in the show.
Evaluation - 

The performance went really well, I would say one of the best but some may not agree but we were able to go to a new theatre and change the spacing of the show and still give 100%. I have huge admiration to the main characters who needed to learn all that in one tech run and perform it an hour later. The wing space was none existent so we had to all go to the back of the stage behind a curtain with about a foot of space and just stand there silently. It was quite difficult cause if there's only two people on stage, there's 48 behind stage so getting passed each other to be ready for the next scene was quite the challenge but I think we pulled it off. I feel like I got quite lucky in this play as my character was simple and nothing had to change for me, but that meant I made sure to help out wherever possible, especially backstage, being as silent as possible making sure everyone has what they need and if they don't, making sure they get it in time. 

Although I think my character is quite simple that doesn't mean I didn't give it my all, I feel like I stayed in character well and really used my face to show my emotions throughout my scenes and also make sure I'm not offending anyone as I play a character in the freaks and geeks room you want to make sure you are being respectful and I feel I achieved that. 

29/04/24 - 02/05/24: Rehearsals.

To start the week off we began Monday in 224 to do some course work, we did this because it was only Kelly today so she had to split rehearsals with both shows, she would work with one flew over on the morning and radium girls on the afternoon. I cracked on with my project proposal so I know it will be done. After lunch we got to rehearsals. We started with our first official rehearsal but after today we should be with Tom for rehearsals. Today was quite funny for me as I can’t seem to get my American accent for my first line, I have no idea why but the terrible Irish accent that decided to pop up definitely got some laughs. My American accent seems to be okay with all my other lines so that’s what I’ll be working on this week, making sure I can say my first line in American. On Tuesday we discussed production roles, this time I decided I wanted to be on set, I did this because I feel like set has such an impact on the way a show and story is told so I think it would be a great way to get my ideas heard. We then went off with Tom to block the first scene and he’s decided he wants to add a song as factory workers would have sang to pass the time so he taught us the song on we got started. Wednesday was an independent learning day as the writers group went to London. Thursday we carried on with rehearsals and we have most of act 1 roughly blocked now and I’m beginning to get off script for my first couple of scenes so everything is running smoothly, however this Irish accent seems to be sticking around for this line so I’ve asked Alex to help me out as she is incredible with accents and her American is very good and we are now working on my pace and tone, who knew one line could cause so much hassle. 

07/05/24 - 09/05/24: Rehearsals.

Monday was bank holiday so we came in early on Tuesday to do a full day to make up for missing a day, today Scarlet rehearsed as Mrs MacNeil as she hasn’t done it as much yet so I was happy for her to get things down as I can watch and take notes, I enjoyed this because it meant I could watch Scarlet and see if there is anything I would like to take inspiration from in her performance. I have noticed that my portrayal of Mrs MacNeil is much more intimidating and angry. It’s really cool to see how we have gone down different routes and found two different personalities in the same character from the same script. 

In this photo you’ll also notice the set, this is what we have decided as the tables for the factory and Tom has came up with the idea that there will always be 3 girls stood at the tables throughout the first half as a metaphor to show they never got a break until the factory closed down. 

On Thursday we didn’t have Tom unfortunately so we just went through scenes we knew to get them perfect, we did this by doing a rota between cast 1 and 2 for example scene 1 = cast 1, scene 2 = cast 2, scene 3 = cast 1 and so on. We did this so we could all do something and then once we had completed a run through of what we knew doing that we swapped over so we did all scenes. 

20/05/24 - 23/05/24: Catch up time.

This week has been stressful I won’t lie, next week is half term than we have a week until the show when we get back and to add to that I was off last week with tonsillitis so not good if you ask me. Obviously no one’s fault just very stressful as I have a lot to catch up on. Monday I watched Scarlet and wrote detailed notes of everything she did as I missed us blocking act 2. I asked Scarlet to do this as it’s the best way for me to learn blocking quickly. 

Tuesday I started walking through my scenes, I’m nearly completely off script for act 1 so makes this much easier as I know I have the first half down. As I’m doing my new scenes Alan is telling me what to do and where to go. This was really nice because he was very patient as I was still getting the hang of it because I imagine it’s slightly annoying as I am slowing the scenes down when he already knows them but he knows I’ll be able to pick it up quickly and it’s nice to have someone who believes in you be your scene partner.

Wednesday we really knuckled down and got through my act 2 scenes and I can confidently say I now know the blocking. Thank god. This is a big relief because it means I can focus on my actual acting and emotion. Especially once I’m fully off script as well. I got my notes off Tom today and he said I need to look at my pacing for my act 2 scene when Mrs MacNeil argues with Mr Roeder as it’s a bit funky so that’s the first thing I’m looking into.

Thursday we did a full cast 1 run through and I’m very happy, it went well considering I had no clue what act 2 was at the start of the week to me being able to do a full run through as Mrs MacNeil is great. It just gives me confidence that we’ll be ready for the show dates. My main note from Tom was volume as I tend to quieten down in the start of some scenes so I’ll definitely be breaking that habit when learning my lines over the half term. 

03/06/24 - 06/06/24: 1 week until show.

This week the radium girls cast helped out the one flew over cast as their show is this week. The only downside to this is we didn't have any rehearsals which is a bit nerve wracking but Alan and I made sure to go over our scenes and i worked on any lines that i felt needed doing.

Since we didn't have much to do rehearsal wise i also cracked on with production this week. I looked at what props still needed doing and made a start on making some flower baskets and arrangements for the Fryer home scenes. I also made sure all set was ready and in good condition ready for the play.

10/06/24 - 13/06/24: SHOW WEEK.

Its officially show week. What a journey to get here, am I nervous, yes, but so excited to finish the year off with a bang.

Monday - Dress run in dance studio with Kelly. Monday morning cast 1 did a run through with Kelly so she could see it and give any further notes and ideas from a fresh perspective. I was very happy with my scenes, all I need to focus on now is drilling my lines. I was also pleased as Kelly said that Ms. MacNeil is the perfect character to show my range so i'm very happy with that as it means i'm doing a good job. 

Tuesday - Tech run. Today we tech the show. Its cast 2 teching the show so i watch scarlet closely to make sure I know exactly what i'm doing.

Wednesday - Show day!!

We did a run through this morning in full costume, makeup and hair and I think it went really well, the only thing i really fumbled on was my last scene so I need to go over them lines again and i should be ready.

We did it!! and I think it went amazing some people weren't to happy as there was a couple of fumbles but personally I am very proud of myself as I remembered my lines and really gave it my all. One of my favourite performances and possibly one of my best.

Full evaluation below with production and research.



Phoebe Howard


Performing and Production Arts – Acting for Stage & Screen.

Project title

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and Radium Girls.

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 100 words)

This year in college I have so much more experience in performing and production, last year I ended my acting journey with the role of Amy March so going into my second year I am much more comfortable on stage. I have learnt so much more about performing this year with taking on a wide range of different roles, the main one being Amelia in Camp phoenix which was a show produced and directed by a company called Zest Theatre. I learnt how to sing on stage and perform through song which is a new skill I am happy to have. A skill I already have which I was able to bring back this year is my comedic timing as we did Peter Pan and I played Twin 1 who is a funny character. Finding out I am good at comedy and still being able to use this skill is one of my favourite things about this course because its nice to know you have a skill you can always rely on. For production this year I worked a lot with sound as we had to do mic checks for Camp Phoenix which was a really cool experience learning how they work and why we use them. I will also be taking on a production role for our upcoming end of year show as set designer which I’m very excited about as I can read and watch all interpretations of our play and really go into depth of what I think we should take on or leave out and propose my ideas to Kelly.

Section 2: Project concept (approx. 200 words)

This year we are putting on One Flew Over and Radium Girls. I would not like to be in One Flew Over as it is not my type of show so I will be going for Radium Girls. However, during auditions, we didn’t know about Radium Girls so we just had to find a monologue we believed would show our strengths. However, I picked a comedy monologue and I feel l may have shot myself in the foot a little bit as radium girls is a very serious play, however I was told I was the only person who did comedy so I’m glad I did something different because it may actually play in my favour. After auditions and finding out what play we will be putting on I am actually very happy we are doing a serious play because even though I do love doing comedy, serious plays can be really challenging and I am excited to learn new skills especially because radium girls is a very powerful female script and goes into depth of them fighting to get through what happened to them so it will use a lot of emotion. The research I will use is google searches about radium girls, already I know that 2000 girls were affected by the radium plants so I will be able to play that frustration of how many women were affected and even died.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 50 words)

To evaluate my work, I will write up detailed evaluations of how everything went, what I liked and what I would change, for example my audition evaluation will be about how I found the monologue and how the audition went as a whole. I will also write blogger posts to go into detail about the work I am doing and how I am progressing.

Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)


Davis, G., 2022. Monologue Genie. [Online]
Available at: https://www.monologuegenie.com/i-kissed-marisa-monologue.html
[Accessed 22 April 2024].




Project action plan and timetable:
This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out in order to successfully complete your project in the agreed time frame. The more time and thought you give to planning your project, the more successful it is likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in the realisation of the project. You should also include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. Remember to include: time spent sourcing materials and other resources to conduct research, seek feedback from tutors and peers, and identify when you will carry out independent study.


Project action plan and timetable


Date week


Activity/what you intend to do - including independent study

Resources / what you will need to do - including access to resources





Audition week – auditioning for end of year show, I will work on my monologue before the audition.

Monologue - (Davis, 2022)





Rehearsals – First rehearsals, finding out cast and working towards the first couple of scenes.

Radium girls’ script – learn






Rehearsals – moving on steadily started to block the first half and working towards being of script.

Radium girls’ script – learn







Rehearsals – Should be off script and have whole show blocked and ready for dress rehearsals


Possibly radium girls’ script if still learning lines.





Show week – will have dress rehearsals and then perform the show.




This show I’ve decided to be on set design, set design is basically planning what will be on stage during the play, why it’s there, how it will move to create a scene and making sure everything is in the right place and moving smoothly during the play. 

The play is of course radium girls and it is set in 1920, the main piece of set is the 3 black tables which we will be using to create multiple different environments. The main one is the factory tables in the radium plant, as we use the tables for for the entirety of Act 1, we’re doing this because Tom came up with an idea of a metaphor type feel that the girls don’t get a break from the factory so even in the Fryer home scenes the factory tables are still there in the background. 

The tables are then used less frequently in Act 2 as the factory has now been closed down. It is used to create a board meeting and a court scene in Act 2 but I’d say the most noticeable thing they are used for in Act 2 is the gravestones at the end of the play. 

Since the main set had been sorted and we had blocked all scenes I took on making a transition booklet with all transitions in to put behind stage. This may sound a little pointless as people should know transitions off by heart by the time the show comes around as we do them so much, but we’ve all been victims of forgetting something you knew literally a minute ago, especially knowing an audience is out there sometimes the excitement or nerves just get to you, so it’s a good safety net to have in emergencies. 

Although set is a big production role its more practical during the show itself when you have it all sorted so i helped out with others if anything needed doing. As no one was currently on props I offered to help out and then more people got involved which was great as props make a show make sense. Freya made a list of props we needed and I then ticked of what we already had and then I made a new list of what we still needed and put priority things at the top. Printing of any props that could be done quickly, including the X-rays for DR Knef's scene which I had laminated to really give it that look. 

I also helped Hayley on costume a little bit by sewing any outfits and making sure they all looked correct, I was also the designated safety pin person during the show which was quite funny, what I mean by this was if anyone needed there dresses pinning before show i would do it which i was very happy to do and glad I could be of some help.

I then helped Beth on hair for show 2 so Beth didn't get overwhelmed and also meant everyone had their hair done ready for the show so nothing was running behind. 

Ms. MacNeil ideas - 

Radium girls research - Based on what I know already from the play.
  • The girls work in a radium plant painting watch dials.
  • Radium begins killing the girls as it is radioactive and starts to decay the bones of their jaws as they lick the brushes so they have a fine point.
  • It takes years for the girls to find justice.
  • They try to use syphilis diagnosis to hide the truth.
  • This actually happened.
Research of the real thing -
  • The watches were made by a group of young women, who came to be known as ‘The Radium Girls’. They were employed to apply luminescent paint to watch dials from 1917 in three factories in Orange, New Jersey; Ottawa, Illinois; and Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • The Radium Girls were painting paper dials, so used camelhair brushes to apply a water-based paint. To paint the intricate numerals on watch faces, the dial painters were encouraged to use the lip-pointing technique, pressing the brush between their lips to form a fine point before they dipped it in the paint. Every time this was done, a small amount of radium was ingested.the Radium Girls were painting paper dials, so used camelhair brushes to apply a water-based paint. To paint the intricate numerals on watch faces, the dial painters were encouraged to use the lip-pointing technique, pressing the brush between their lips to form a fine point before they dipped it in the paint. Every time this was done, a small amount of radium was ingested.
  • At this time, there was little scientific understanding of the hazards posed by the radioactivity of radium.
  • By the early twentieth century, radium began to appear in a host of commercial medicines, tonics, and cosmetics. It was advertised to the public as a promoter of good health that could improve energy levels, cure illnesses, and increase beauty. Radium appeared in toothpaste, eye creams, make-up – it was even added to drinking water.
  • In 1922, the first death occurred. Amelia Maggia had worked as a dial painter for four years between 1917-1921. She was just 25 when she died. In the days preceding her death, her dentist was able to lift and remove her entire lower jaw by hand. The deaths of Helen Quinlan, 21, and Irene Rudolph, 22, came the following year. They had worked as dial painters for 20 months and 2 ½ years.
As you can see from this research these women were real people, they actually died due to radiation poisoning because they just wanted to make a living. It is truly heartbreaking that the women were ignored and even accused of having syphilis to embarrass them into silence so the US Radium corporation wouldn't get caught. 
  • In 1927, five surviving Radium Girls (Katherine Schaub, Grace Fryer, Quinta Maggia McDonald, Albina Maggia Larice, and Edna Hussman) filed a lawsuit against their former employer. It had taken them two years to find a lawyer willing to represent them against the industrial radium complex.

  • By the start of the trial in 1928, all five women were too ill to raise their hands to take their oath. Two women were bedridden, and one other could not sit up without the use of a back brace.

  • Fearing that they would not survive a lengthy trial, the women and their lawyers made the decision to settle the case out of court in June 1928. Each Radium Girl was awarded $10,000 in damages and $600 per year for the rest of their lives. All their legal and medical bills were to be paid by the company. The catch was that United States Radium would not have to take any legal responsibility.

Although the girls weren't fully able to get the justice they deserved they are remembered as the women who changed working life for everyone. They made factories change their ways and now we all work in safe environments because of women like this. 

ALL INFORMATION FOR MY RESEARCH FOUND FROM THIS WEBSITE: https://blog.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/the-radium-girls/#:~:text=The%20watches%20were%20made%20by,Illinois%3B%20and%20Waterbury%2C%20Connecticut.

Show Evaluation.

What a show. It was honestly one of my favourite performances. The show itself is such a heart wrenching play as it really shows what the girls went through during this time. As we know the play is about Grace Fryer who embarks on a journey for justice after she has to watch her friends die due to radium poisoning while they worked for the US radium corporation. 

My role in this play was technically Ms. MacNeil and Mr Lee. But Kelly combined them to be one person. This worked really well because Ms. MacNeil kind of just vanishes during the play and Mr Lee's character almost takes her place so you couldn't tell it was written as two different people. 

This character was definitely challenging to play but a performance I am very proud of, I hadn't really had the chance to play such a serious character before this yet and it really showed me and others that I could. The scenes were gritty and full of emotion, especially anger. I think as well to be able to play the 'villain' in such a sad story gave me such a different perspective on the play and my acting itself. Because as myself I feel sorry for these girls and their story and believe they should of gotten the justice they deserved but as for Ms. MacNeil she just doesn't care, she is uptight and stubborn and will do anything to get what she wants. So getting into that head space and really trying to understand her motives was so interesting. The main idea I had for Ms. MacNeil was that she is either divorced or even widowed and the reason I think this is because I believe she had to have a reason to always be looking out for herself and always have some sort of wall up, you never see her have any real emotion so I think maybe she felt a bit betrayed in the past and her feelings towards the girls in the factory is jealousy, especially towards Grace as she seems to have the 'perfect' life before we knew what radium was doing and Ms. MacNeil despised her for that. Of course this is never said but to have that feeling on stage really helped me stay in character and almost feel a bit sorry for her as she must be very lonely only looking out for herself as the only 'friend' she really has is Arthur Reoder and by the end of the play we see MacNeil losing him as well so she can gain power. We know for a fact that MacNeil is power hungry and always looking for more money so she could also just be like that but I think there is always more to the story.

My favourite part of the show was Act 2 Scene 10 were I shout at Reoder, this is because it is such an intense scene which we really got to play around with and figure out how we can show the power shift from Reoder to MacNeil. This was also the scene where I think people watched and realised who the true villain was. Its also my favourite just because of what a good scene it is and the acting I got to do in it, I really got to show my range and improvement from not just last year but the start of this year to now.

My performance - The actual performance of the show went really well, I came of stage feeling very good about how I did. Which always makes me so happy because it reminds me of my growth, because I know last year I would of not had that reaction unless everything was absolutely perfect. The scenes I was in seemed to flow well and transitions were good. The only thing i'd say is the stairs to platform, maybe i'm just being dramatic but they did not feel to stable and if I could change anything it would be them stairs. In all seriousness though if I could do this performance again i'd add even more to the angry scenes, I was happy with them but I think they could of been even more enthusiastic and really shock the audience. I got very lucky to have Alan as a scene partner as he played Reoder who was in nearly all MacNeil scenes because he is very talented and could really match the energy I was going for and vice versa. I especially liked my scene with both Alex and Alan as I really think it set our characters up and truly showed who was actually in the wrong. This play was such an incredible thing to end my journey on, and such an amazing group of people to do it with as well.

I asked my peers for some feedback for my performance and the main thing was how much I have changed, what I mean by this is my confidence. I mention it in every evaluation and you see it grows a bit more each time but this time I get to say I did it, I went on that stage confident and ready knowing that i can do this role and that I have truly found a place in this industry for myself.

My 2 years at SRC have been one hell of a journey, I have grown so much as an actress and really figured out who I am and what I want to do. The roles I have been able to play and the roles I haven't have made me into the actress I am today and I am very thankful. Because even if I didn't realise it at first every role I have been given is because I was ready for it and i'm glad it was done that way because it has truly prepared me for what ahead and made me realise how important it is to trust the process.


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