Year 1 Half term 4 - Week 2

 06/03/23 - New warm up game and rehearsals.

This morning we played a new game called cat and mouse, this is where you get into pairs and link arms. Someone is the cat and someone is the mouse, if you are the cat you chase the mouse so you run around trying to tag the mouse. if you are the mouse you need to run and link arms with someone in a pair and the person who you didn't link with is now the mouse who needs to run and find a new pair. if you are tagged you are now the cat and the person who tagged you is now the mouse and the game continues. 

After we played this game we carried on with connection rehearsals.   

07/03/23 - getting assigned to do PowerPoint on practitioners - Stanisvlaski.

In Kanes lesson we were learning about practitioners, he showed a slide about the different practitioners in the world and then told us we would have to create our own PowerPoint about one practitioner. I chose to do Stanisvlaski. For this task we were asked to get in pairs. I went with Alayah and we got to work on our presentation. 

08/03/23 - rehearsing in theatre space.

Today we get to rehearse in the theatre, this is good because it shows us how much space we will have when performing. We went through scenes 2-10 in the space  sling sure what we have practiced will work.

09/03/23 - working on PowerPoints - practitioners.

Today we cracked on with our presentation, however we also got a new task today, we had to create a handout with the main information on about our practitioner for people to read as well as doing the PowerPoint. For this I worked on the PowerPoint and my partner worked on the handout. 


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