Year 1 Half term 4 - Week 1
27/02/23 - Getting through scene 2-10 off-script.
Today we went from scene 2 to scene 10 off script. I think today's rehearsal went really well because I was able to show more emotion without worrying about looking at the script as I know my lines. However I do need to work on my blocking, making sure I'm not in front of anyone and not always in a line with other characters. I also need to work on my cues as I know my lines but get confused as to which scene they are in. From this I learnt how important it is to be off script as soon as possible because then you have more time to work on your character fully.
28/02/23 - blogger and rehearsals.
In today's lesson we did blogger work and learning lines. I used this time to catch up on my blog and make sure everything I've wrote makes sense and added more information where needed. After this I went through the entire script with a partner seeing if I could do it without needing a prompt, I was able to get through the entire thing without needing a prompt so now I just need to work on piecing the scenes together so I know what order everything is in.
After lunch we did connections rehearsals for scene 10 and 11, we focused all of our time on this because it is the scene where the disaster happens. We've also decided that Zafer is the killer and that as his twin sister my character is always protecting him. We worked through this scene in depth and figured out which way we would like it to be performed. I know for my next rehearsal that i need to be more focused on Zafer in this scene to show the audience that Stefi has always felt the need to look out for him.
01/03/23 - Getting to the end of the script.
We got through the script!!
Today we worked on the second half of the script, acting out the scenes and figuring out what we want to do with them. I really enjoyed today's rehearsal because this is when all the drama happened. i think its the most interesting part of the script so its really fun to act out.
02/03/23 - Work on connections.
As Kelly was filming today the students that weren't were given creative freedom to create a scene from a monologue in the connections script to show Kelly. The scene we created was that the younger versions of the characters would come on to stage and act out the monologue silently so the audience can tell that when the kids were behind the skip, that's where Zafer and Tom Joy were. We did this because it shows how important it is to add every detail to the show so the audience understands completely and we understand our characters completely because we are going into depth about where they were and why.
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